Sunday 20 January 2013

Belavadi one of beautiful Hoysala Temple

One of the beautiful Hoysala temples located just 10 KMs from Halibeedu. This is Triktacha temple (3 God’s are there in single temple complex).

Main temple is Veeranarayana Temple built during 12th century has 2 Garbhagudi, Sukanasi, Navaranga and Mukamantapa (Front Entrance).  Pravesha mantapa (Main entrance) built later stages has 2 Big Elephant statue.  In Sabha mantapa (meeting hall) contain 46 beautifully carved pillars.  Shikara contain 3 stages with various gods’ statue. In garbhagudi we can see Veeranarayana statue (6 ft), is known to be one of the beautiful statue of its kind during Hoysala period.

Venugopala temple built during 16th century added to Veeranayarana temple on later stage. Temple Gopura has well carved structure includes Venugopala, Harihara, Garuda, Narayana.Keshava and other structures. In garbhagudi we can see 7 ft Venugopala, one of the beautiful statues of Hoysala. Carvings of fingers with flute also well carved and it can also see cleanly.

Yoganarasimha temple also well carved like Venugopala temple which is opposite to Venugopala temple.  These two temples are linked with main temple by Sabha mantapa. Entire temple was well carved and best example of Hoysala temple.

Whenever you visit Belur and Halebeedu don’t miss to see this temple, it has just near to it and can be easily visit by vehicle.  No frequent bus facilities are there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing such important information. Why cant our tourism department & Archeology department publish such vital information, provide basic toilet facilities.
I am always on the look out for such less known temples in India. with best wishes. Wg Cdr KG Rao. 9880595704

Pavagada Shaneeswara Temple